Beautiful Things Aren’t Perfect

As many of you may know, The Clearbrook Murders: The First One has been out for a little over a week!


When I published the book, I couldn’t wait to get my author copies. In fact, I waited by the door, face pressed up against the glass window every single day, waiting for the delivery driver to show. Once I finally had the book in my hand, I flipped through all of the pages and absorbed every single word, took in the beautiful cover and marveld over the work of art that took me three years to create. I was ecstatic, excited, emotional and possibly even shed a few happy tears. And then it hit me, I came across the first error. At first I was mad, frustrated and angry. (And que the sad tears.) How could something I worked years on and read at least a million times still have errors? I wanted it to be perfect.


Then I heard a quote by Katsumoto:

A beautiful thing is never perfect


Instantly I felt better. This world that I created, and these characters that I brought to life are beautiful! The words I crafted together are beautiful. My book is beautiful. And it’s not perfect.

I’m not afraid to say that I’m not perfect, and I don’t have to be. I’m only human. I’ve realized it’s far better to strive for progress than perfection. Besides I am a better writer today than I was yesterday.