Writer’s Block

How to Overcome Writers Block: 5 Easy Tips

Every Authors worst nightmare. Writer’s Block.
What is writer’s block anyway? 

Writer’s block is a state in which you are unable to move past a certain point or road block in writing. It’s a stand still where progress stops and doubt starts. And honestly it’s a point in writing where we reflect on our work.

Where does writer’s block come from? 

There are a few reasons that writer’s block can creep in:

  • When we compare ourselves to other writers we often take away from ourselves.
  • Fear or doubt, which sometimes makes us question our abilities. Is our work even worth it?
  • Lack of motivation which can stem from our lack of desire to share our story or to use our voice.
  • Criticism or feedback can sometimes create a roadblock in writing.
Although we all experience writer’s block at times, I wanted to share some easy ways that you can fight it:
  1. Read

I know we’ve all heard it. All great writers were first good readers. And the saying is TRUE! Reading is the greatest teacher of writing. When I first started writing The Clearbrook Murders, I hadn’t read anything for a really long time, and I think my writing started to show that. It wasn’t until I turned to some good books to help jumpstart my creativity. And what do you know, just like a switch, my creativity started to flow.

2. Music

They say that music is also a form of storytelling. And it’s a great way to help us FEEL things, like emotions. Listening to music helped me to imagine how I wanted my story to look and feel. I even created a playlist that I listen to before I sit down to write, to get me in the right frame of mind for writing.

3. Dance Party

I know, I know. A dance party? YES! Remember that playlist we talked about earlier? Well blast that music and let those feet get moving! Physical activity is actually the best way to open up your mind, and unlocks the door to creativity. So even if you’re not much of a dancer, than get out and do something else you enjoy, like running or working out.

4. Re-read

I know we all have the story that’s been locked away from human eyes. Maybe it’s an older work of progress, or maybe it’s something we know we’ll never publish and was just for run. Re-reading our old work or past accomplishments can be a great way of reminding us of our abilities and can even spark new creativity.

5. Take a Break 

Sometimes in life we get caught up in the next big thing, and it seems like we are always chasing after another even bigger goal. Taking a step back to reflect on your work is also very important in the progression of new projects. Don’t be afraid to take a break, and don’t beat yourself up if you have to.


When writer’s block strikes, take some time to read or re-read, have a dance party of simply take a break. But don’t forget to start again. Your story matters, and someone out there needs to hear it! Don’t be afraid to share your voice.