Mindset is Everything

Mindset Is Everything 

Here’s why Mindset is the key to Success and Happiness.

If you were asked to define happiness, you might say things like having a good career, a great job, a big faimly,  a home, car or other pocessions. But where does happiness actually fit into those things?

Today I wanted to talk about what mindset is, and how we can use it to create success and happiness.

What is Mindset?

before we get too far, let’s talk about what mindset really is.

Mindset is a way of thinking. It’s both a combination of our emotions, attitude, our beliefs and thoughts. Mindset is often how we view ourselves, and how we fit into the world. Our mindset encompasses how we see ouselves and the world around us. And possibly the biggest thing of all- mindset influences the decisions that we make everyday. Whether it’s deciding to stay in bed, or getting up early to go for that mile run.

How Can Mindset Help Us Become Successful?

First we have to start with the definition of success. Here’s a hint, it has to do with your goal.

Success comes from the accomplishment of a certain goal or purpose- it’s the outcome.

So where do we go wrong with success?

Sometimes we let our mindest undermine our success. Here’s some examples:

  • Failure is the limit of my abilities
  • I’m either good at it, or I’m not
  • I either do it, or I can’t
  • I didn’t earn this through hard work, it was won by chance
  • I don’t like to be challenged
  • My potential is already determined
  • Feedback and criticism is personal
  • I should stick to what I know best
  • I’m not a real _________

It’s easy to fall into this fixed mindest sometimes, but there is an easy way to grow and learn from it. Here’s some examples of a growth mindset:

  • Failure is an opportunity to learn and grow
  • If it’s not right the first time, I can try again
  • I can do anything I put my mind to
  • I am always learning
  • My effort and attitude determine my ability
  • Feedback is helpful and constructive
  • Challenges help me grow
  • I like to try new things
  • I am inspired by the success of others
  • I AM an__________ In my case, Author!

The Bigger Picture?

The path to success, no matter what the goal, is always a jagged line. Mindset is like the roadmap to help us get there.

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out

-Robert Collier


How Can Mindset Make Us Happy?

Wanna know a secret?

Happiness IS a Mindset.

It doesn’t come from the outside, whether you are rich or poor, old or new, loud or quiet, whatever the case may be. Happiness is within you, and it alwasy has been. 

Happiness is a mindset, not the destination.

I know that even I am guilty of thinking, “I’ll be happy as soon as I finish this next book” or “If I just finish this one last project, I’ll be happy!” I forget that all too often, happiness is going on all along the way, and I miss those opportunities to feel the happiness.

Sometimes we forget that happiness is all around us, even in the hard times. But if we change our mindset and the way we think about those difficult times, it shouldn’t be hard to find happiness.

Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.


I’m a firm believer that happiness comes from the little things, like a hot cup of coffee in the morning, when you have that quiet moment to yourself, or good book on a rainy evening. It’s the feeling of knowing that life is good, and you can’t help but smile. I think that’s because all of these things come from happy thoughts and a happy mindset.


My challenge to you is to change your mindset and maybe you might just change your life.